No-Wait Psychiatrist in NYC

Find a no-wait psychiatrist in NYC online. Learn more about telepsychiatry and its advantages.

No-Wait Psychiatrist in NYC

Find an Online No-Wait Psychiatrist in NYC

No-Wait Psychiatrist in NYC

If you’ve tried to book an appointment with a psychiatrist in NYC recently, you’ll know that services are in high demand in the city. Many psychiatrists have waiting lists of several months before they can even evaluate a new patient. But when your mental health is at stake, it’s important to get help as soon as possible. One route to treatment that you may not have considered is online therapy. Although many traditional psychiatrists were forced to “pivot” to online sessions when the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown happened, there are, in fact, online psychiatric services that were developed before the pandemic. These online-only services, such as Skypiatrist , are designed to accommodate patients more conveniently and efficiently than traditional in-person psychiatrists can. And many online services are able to intake new patients much more quickly than conventional in-person psychiatrists’ offices.

No-Wait Psychiatrist in NYC

Benefits of Online Services

Some patients are reluctant to engage with online services, but there can be great advantages to telepsychiatry. Studies have shown that for many mental illnesses, online therapy can be as effective (or even more effective) than in-person sessions. Here are some of the aspects of online therapy that you may find beneficial:

Benefits of Online Services

Saves time. Traveling through NYC traffic can be harrowing and getting to your psychiatrist’s appointment (and back home again) can be time-consuming and frustrating. You may have issues with work hours, childcare, weather conditions, etc. With Skypiatrist, your appointment can be accessed from anywhere, and it will always be on time. No commute time, and no time spent in the doctor’s waiting room. Scheduling is all online, so you will never be accidentally double-booked. In addition, if you need a prescription, your psychiatrist will simply send it to a pharmacy of your choosing. You can pick up your meds when it is convenient for you.

More relaxed. You can have your appointment in your own space, sipping a mug of tea, and wearing your pjs and slippers if you like! Being able to relax helps you to open up to your doctor and promotes more honest communication. If you are interested in accessing services for a child or teen, they often prefer online interactions, where they may feel less vulnerable and self-conscious.

More privacy. With an established online practice like Skypiatrist, privacy is maximized. The Skypiatrist video chat app is hosted on their website. No software needed, and no server acts as a “middleman.” Your information is available only to your doctor, unless you ask to release it. No staff will be privy to your file. This is a level of privacy greater than conventional offices are able to provide.

Points to Consider

Check with any online service to ensure that their doctors are in-network with your insurance provider. Skypiatrist, for example, accepts Aetna, Cigna, Oscar, Oxford, and United/Optum plans, as well as Medicare. Be sure to book with a service that matches you to the same psychiatrist every time. And ensure that you are working with a fully-licensed professional who can provide all of the services you need.

Explore telepsychiatry options today. It may be exactly what you’re looking for.